Terms and conditions

Trial lesson

The first lesson is a trial lesson and amounts to € 25 of the total course fee. When you register you are required to pay at least 24 hours before the start of the class. If you decide to cancel the trial lesson, you must notify Minerva Dog Training & Scentwork 24 hours in advance by email. If we have not been informed of your absence, we will still charge for the trial lesson. The right to follow the trial lesson on a later date will lapse. The client may cancel the trial lesson for a maximum of two times.


The remaining course fee must be paid at least 24 hours before the start of the second lesson. If you decide not to continue with the course, you must notify us at least 48 hours before the start of the second lesson. Otherwise, we will still charge the entire course amount. Refunds of course fees are not possible. The student has the right to cancel the training a maximum of two times during the course package. Minerva Dog training & Scentwork must be informed of this in advance. If the student has been absent twice within the course package without informing Minerva Dog training & Scentwork, the student will be deregistered from the course and the right to a refund of the course fee will lapse.

Personal Training

The amount for personal training must be transferred at least 24 hours before the start of the training. Otherwise we are forced to cancel the lesson. We offer the option to reschedule personal training to a date and time to be determined if the client is forced to cancel due to personal circumstances. If you decide to forego the personal training, you must notify Minerva Dog Training & Scentwork 24 hours in advance by email. If we have not been informed, we will still charge for the personal training.


Cancellation must be done in writing via email to info@minervadogtraining.nl or Whatsapp to telephone number 06-14121505. Upon receipt of the cancellation, we will send you a message that we have received your cancellation. The cancellation is only valid after confirmation that the cancellation has been received in good order.

Cancellation of the class

We always have the possibility to cancel a lesson or personal training due to weather, personal circumstances or holiday. In that case we will contact the client and make an appointment to reschedule the class. Restitution of course fee is not possible.

We do not train during the following weather conditions: 30°C or higher, cold temperatures below 4°C and during heavy snow or rain. 


Payment details will be given to the client by means of invoice. There is also an option to transfer the course fee via iDeal.


Participation to the courses is at your own risk. Minerva Dog training & Scentwork is not accountable for any damage to you or your dog occurring before, during or after a training session. You are responsible at all times. Minerva Dog & Scentwork is not accountable for damage occurring to others caused by you or your dog, which occurs before, during or after the training session. This upholds also for events organized by Minerva Dog training & Scentwork.

The instructions of our dog trainers are to be followed at all times in order for us to guarantee as much safety as possible.

You need to have a WA insurance for you and your dog. Without an assurance you cannot train at Minerva Dog training & Scentwork. Do you have a WA insurance? We advise you to check again whether your dog is also covered in the assurance. This is not always the case.

Minerva Dog training & Scentwork cannot be hold accountable when the results are not what the client had hoped for. Restitution of course fee is not possible when the client feels that the results have not been obtained.

Training materials

We expect all dog owners to carry poop bags to clean up after their dogs so that we keep our training location tidy.  

For the training you will need: a +/- 2 meter leash, a correctly fitting collar or harness, a toy without squeaking sound and of course treats. A ball as toy is not allowed during the training.

We do not use a flex line during training. The use of slip chains, puncture chains, electric collars or anti-bark collars are not allowed. Intimidation and violence towards dogs, other clients and trainer is not allowed. If one of the before mentioned means are used or if the behavior occurs, then we, Minerva Dog training & scentwork, will have the right to end the training session without restitution of course fee.


Before the start of the course we want to see the vaccination passport. We cannot allow dogs that are not properly vaccinated. Every dog needs to have the proper vaccinations (vaccination schedule is dependent on age). Basic vaccination includes canine distemper, parvo virus, weil's disease, HCC and kennel cough. When the titer after vaccination is determined to be high enough, dogs are also allowed to train. Please take this conformation with you at the start of the course. 

Health of the dog

Make sure to warn Minerva Dog training & Scentwork if your dog has contracted an infectious disease. Some examples are ear mite, kennel cough, giardia etc. If the infectious disease is diagnosed after the training, please inform us as well.

We will discuss training options with the client if the dog is physically unwell.

For personal trainings a female dog in heat is welcome to train. For group lessons the client needs to inform the trainers before coming to the training. 

Do not feed your dog approximately two hours before training and one hour after training. This is to prevent gastric torsion. Symptoms of a gastric torsion are restless behavior, salivating, tightness of breath, bloating abdomen and vomit tendencies without actual vomiting. This is a life threatening condition.

Privacy law and copyright

All personal data provided by the clients to Minerva Dog training & Scentwork are exclusively for registration purposes. Minerva Dog training & Scentwork is not allowed to publish personal information and is obligated to protect the privacy of clients as much as possible.

We will ask in advance whether we are allowed to make footage (in the form of photos or videos) from your dog. We will be allowed to use that footage for commercial purposes. You have the right to refuse footage being taken from your dog. Footage taken will not show a client in order to protect privacy unless the client has explicitely given consent for this.

Do you want us to remove footage from social media or website? Please tell us and we will do so.

The digital and written materials that we provide our clients with are Copyrighted by Minerva Dog training & Scentwork. Distribution of this content to others or to the public is not allowed unless we specifically grant permission. 

We want to wish you lots of fun training at Minerva Dog training & Scentwork!