Dangerous plants for dogs

Published on 6 August 2024 at 09:14

It's summer! The warm days have finally arrived. The trees are green, plants and shrubs provide beautiful views and... unfortunately, not all plants and shrubs are harmless to a dog. In this blog we will give a few examples of plants that can cause problems for your dog.

Grass spikes

As soon as the grass starts to grow around the period from June to August, there are plenty of grass spikes to be found. They are everywhere at the moment. Unfortunately, sometimes with unpleasant results that can lead to expensive costs at the vet.

Grass spikes are annoying crawlers that can cause problems for your dog. Grass spikes have barbs that make it easy to get stuck in your dog's coat. They can then, as it were, crawl through the fur and even penetrate through the skin into our dog's body! This means they can cause a lot of damage and infections. So pay close attention and always check your dog for a stowaway after the walk!


We all know what it feels like when you touch nettles. An itchy and burning sensation. Does a dog feel this too? The answer is yes. So it is not very handy if you let the dog walk through the nettles. To reduce this itching, the juice of the plantain or ground ivy can be used.


The hogweed and giant hogweed also grow during this period. We regularly encounter them on our walks. These plants are dangerous for both us and our dogs.

They can be recognized by their typical large leaves and white flowers. This plant can cause red spots, blisters and burns. Especially if your dog decides to stick his snout fully into the plant and don't forget that these plants can also cause the same wounds on us!


Although these plants are beautiful and we recently took very nice photos of them, it is good to realize that the leaves of these plants are dangerous for your dog. 

This plant can cause heart rhythm disorders and the seeds themselves can cause diarrhea, but also stomach complaints. The foxglove is also often a problem for ruminants, because the leafs are toxic. 

This was a brief overview of which plants are harmful or poisonous to dogs and what you should watch out for this summer. These are plants that we have already encountered on our walks in Amsterdam, but there are even more plants that are dangerous for dogs.

Have you become curious about which plants are exactly dangerous for your dog? Then take a look at this article:

KNGF | Gevaarlijke bloemen en planten voor jouw hond (geleidehond.nl)

Here is a nice overview of dangerous plants for your dog, for both indoor and outdoor plants.